Qualification: Ph.D.

Affiliation: Dept. of Parasitology Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh

He did his DVM at 1999 from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh. He did his masters in 2004 from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh. His PhD was from the University of Tokyo, Japan in 2012. He did two post-doctoral researches: JSPS Post-Doc – 2014, National Institute of Animal Health, Japan and Humboldt Post-Doc – 2017, Technical University Munich, Germany. His research interests are Epidemiology and Pathology of Parasitic Diseases, Host-Parasite Interaction, Vector biology, Parasitic Immunology and Recombinant Technology. He is currently holding a Professor position at Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh from March, 2015. He has got several prizes and Honors like, Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (Georg Foster Program) and Alexander von Humboldt renewed stay at Technical University of Munich, Germany. Alexander von Humboldt foundation return fellowship at 2017 and Alexander von Humboldt foundation Equipment grant at 2018. He has got 75 publications, which includes 4 book chapters.